
Monday, January 06, 2014

Rating 2013

To start, 2013 seemed like it'd be a great year. I was doing well at my job, given important tasks and chances to work overtime. But that January, my paternal grandfather died, the last of my four grandparents. I was very upset and ended up volunteering myself to the hospital because I knew I needed help. 
Of course, all that "help" would just be a terrible doctor that seemed like a nazi psychiastrist out of some yet-to-be-released Quentin Tarantino movie, overmedication the good little Jews in their evil mental hospitals. Within a day, this doctor put me on Lithium simply because it was "the only medication I hadn't tried" pretty much. Instead of accepting that I might not even need medication, she pumped me full of one. Because once you're in the mental hospital, you only get out through being medicated, whether it helps you or harms you.
Things would be better for a couple months again, back at work. But my boss at Randstad quit and I found myself too frustrated to keep going. This little snobby stoner bitch that got high with people and thus gave them jobs they were unqualified for took over... and I didn't want her in charge. Unemployment was just a couple of months, but still it was frustrating.
This year could have been much better, but it could also have been worse, I suppose?

+Was employed for nearly all of the year, only about 2-3 months where I didn't have a job.

+Managed to work for my mom when I didn't have full-time work, and she was happy with how much more independent I had become.
+Had three different jobs throughout the year, each having its own challenges and benefits, three unique experiences that made me stronger as a person.
+For the first time since September 2007, I worked at AMC Theaters again. After years of them not replying to my applications, they finally took me back!
+While I did not meet any more people from, I managed to meet Wayne and Bree (Neon and CarpeDiem) from Nuklear Lord in December and record a Mr. Burgers video.
+Made some money from self-publishing, nearly $50 from my different books, and gave away hundreds of copies during free promotions.
+Went to my high school reunion, saw the most beautiful girl I knew back then, who looked just as beautiful now as she did then, and my gay terrorist stalkers did not go!
+Hardly any sleep troubles during the summer or fall.

-No dates whatsoever, after six in the prior year.

-Did not meet up with any YouThinkers... haven't met up with any since the "Portland Incident" ni March 2011!
-Lost several close friends through my Facebook posts and generally mean-spirited attention whoring online.
-Got sent into "Facebook Jail" several times because I added people on Facebook and they didn't accept me or claimed they didn't know me, which was bullshit.
-Watched as others around me succeeded in life much more than I have, even though our high school and college grades would have suggested otherwise.
-Two more "hospital vacations" that did little to benefit me or anyone except insurance companies and whoever runs mental hospitals.
-Banned from YT for two months for questionable/dumb reasons.

Social/Romantic: 6 (It was nice that I kept doing Mr. Burgers and had a few "guest stars" but with Cetin being held in Turkish Prison by his mothah, I only saw him twice in the entire year... much less than I'm used to.)

Educational: 5 (I didn't learn anything new, really, but I didn't regress either. I had to drop out of a C++ class when my grandpa died, but I still practiced my programming once in a while, even if my skills were nothing special.)

Self-Improvement: 6 (I kept biking, but I'd have to say the hospitalizations hurt me somewhat. But in terms of my weight, I am about where I was after working with my trainer in 2011... I haven't gained those 15-20 pounds back!)

Vocational: 6 (Nothing terrible, but I wish I had stuck it out with Google instead of quitting when my boss retired.)

Overall: 5.75 (Not a very good year considered how good 2011 and 2012 were... or considering most of the ratings I've given. 2014 should be better...)

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