Google is as bad as the rest of the mainstream social media garbage. They actively support Nazis like Pod Awful and ban me for defending myself. It's time to destroy Google as a whole.
They rode to fame from Anna Kournikova becoming the #1 search, and I'm her birthday twin, four years younger. And ironically, I had a nudity scandal exactly four years after the Anna Kournikova virus.
It's nigh impossible to avoid the Google Monopoly, especially as an Android user. I'm lucky enough to have a Samsung Galaxy, not a Pixel, so at least I can use Samsung stock applications instead of the garbage Google forces upon those dumb enough to use the Pixel.
And Wikipedia is going down too. I am VideoKid. Electricbassguy. Electric. BillyBobJoe. Jesse [of Utopia General Talk.]
I will be victorious, and my enemies will learn to fear me rather than disparage me.
The internet will be my playground once again, and Jesse "Naziboi" Powell-Stroud is getting sued and jailed.
And I'm getting with Tomi Lahren. You losers can castrate yourselves out of jealousy!
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