Proudly Geekly

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Google is Evil [Do No Evil, BS]

     Google is as bad as the rest of the mainstream social media garbage. They actively support Nazis like Pod Awful and ban me for defending myself. It's time to destroy Google as a whole.

    They rode to fame from Anna Kournikova becoming the #1 search, and I'm her birthday twin, four years younger. And ironically, I had a nudity scandal exactly four years after the Anna Kournikova virus.

    It's nigh impossible to avoid the Google Monopoly, especially as an Android user. I'm lucky enough to have a Samsung Galaxy, not a Pixel, so at least I can use Samsung stock applications instead of the garbage Google forces upon those dumb enough to use the Pixel.

    And Wikipedia is going down too. I am VideoKid. Electricbassguy. Electric. BillyBobJoe. Jesse [of Utopia General Talk.]

    I will be victorious, and my enemies will learn to fear me rather than disparage me.

    The internet will be my playground once again, and Jesse "Naziboi" Powell-Stroud is getting sued and jailed.

    And I'm getting with Tomi Lahren. You losers can castrate yourselves out of jealousy!

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Reddit Socialism

 Any time you talk about how r/politics is liberally biased, you get downvoted.

Any time you suggest something like minimum wages increasing unemployment, you get downvoted.

It seems Reddit has a strongly liberal bias. Maybe not in the conservative subreddits that are few and far between, but in the standards subs like askreddit, you get downvoted any time you suggest that capitalism is good and socialism is bad.


Friday, October 22, 2021

Wikipedia is not a reliable source

 Wikipedia's administrators treat the platform as a complex tabletop RPG rather than a source of information that can be edited. If you don't "play nice" you are chided on your talk page and blocked, especially if you are not logged in.

If you are logged in, they will be a bit more lenient but not by much. The worst example of this is the Baseball Mogul article that I worked on for years: Baseball Mogul: Revision history - Wikipedia

For several years, a useless user (sadly now an administrator) named Sro23 would repeatedly revert my work on updating the article because he disliked me. Every time I updated the information and even cited sources, he would immediately revert it. I kept at it, so another nasty admin, Favonian, actually locked it for "sock puppetry" which means fake/alternate accounts editing it.

Wikipedia is a terrible place because they run guilty until proven innocent rather than the other way around. They will always take the side of an administrator, and if a regular user tries to report an admin for poor behavior, they will be granted a "boomerang block" which means they are blocked for reporting the admin. 

If Wikipedia actually was used by decent people, it could be useful. But that's not likely, considering the terrible person (Jimmy Wales) that founded it. Everyone else seems to idolize him as some sort of hero, but he's a loser who spent his early 30s playing MUDs and talking to girls less than half his age on message boards.

Oh well. Wikipedia will never be useful, but I guess the useless administrators will have fun with it.

Sunday, August 29, 2021

UrbanDictionary Sucks

UrbanDictionary is plagued by script kiddies. If you look on my profile you can see that many of the definitions have identical voting scores. Like 20 upvotes and 175 downvotes.

This is because some 4chan loser meticulously downvoted all my entries to make me look bad. Now, if you look on a definition I made, my versions are buried beneath many others. Unless I was the only definition, then it doesn't have an effect.

This is very frustrating. I've contacted them several times to suggest they fix their buggy code, but was consistently ignored.

Oh well. That's what it's like being me. People will always downvote me if there is an opportunity. On Reddit, whenever I posted as Electricbassguy, I would get two downvotes as soon as I produced the link. 

Anyway, UrbanDictionary sucks. As does Reddit!

Sunday, August 15, 2021

"According to Reddit"

 Any time I see a news article that cites Reddit as their source, I immediately stop reading. Reddit is a shady community of losers and bullies that suspends people for minor infractions yet allows others to hijack subreddits and turn them into bullying pages.

I should expect this, though. It's how the internet works for me. Other people can harass me all they want, but if I step one toe out of line, I'm SUPERBANNED. And Reddit superbans stick, because they know what they're doing. When it comes to keeping people away from their site, they're smart. But when it comes to stopping the rampant bullying and hivemind mentality, they're dunces.

I am so banned from Reddit that I can't even log into a new account if I make it. Sure, I can make a new account, and it will be there, with its New User badge. But any time I try to log into any account I've ever made, I get what I call the "wrong password" shadowban. This is where Reddit gives the user a phony "wrong password" error to keep them off the site.

And it's effective. I imagine they have not only my IP address, but my MAC address and other identifying factors. The only way to make a new Reddit account and have it stick would probably be to get an entirely new computer, and that's not something I plan to do.

Anyway, Reddit is overrated. They are the Portland of the internet, claiming to be unique but trying way too hard and ultimately failing.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

I am the FBI

Monday, March 30, 2020

Morally challenged gorillas continue to stalk me

No matter what I do, no matter how I do it, these Ook-Ooks will continue to harass me.

It's been more than a decade and Jose "AWPerative" Alvarez still makes fake Twitter accounts to spread lies about me, phony Facebook names to friend me and screenshot all of my posts, and worst of all, has saved all of my YouTube videos since 2012 perhaps.

He runs two fake accounts currently, both named "Doug Berger". Another Ook-Ook named Jesse "Pod Awful" Powell-Stroud now claims to be the original Mr. Burgers and insists my name is "Doug Berger".

These two clowns have done things like hijack the Lifehouse subreddit to make it a place to discuss me, spread lies about me on podcasts, and generally stalking me.

I give up.

Ignoring them won't work.

I need to fight back!